Why is Resonance a MusicTech Communications Agency?

At the core of Resonance are two MusicTech experts. We started in different roles within the same field, and when we decided to build a Communications and Business Advice Agency, our focus on MusicTech was a natural choice.

There are several advantages in building such a strong specialization. Resonance is deeply connected to the field, tailoring our services to its unique needs rather than relying solely on predefined missions and skills. We are flexible team, and our approach ensures that every project we undertake is distinct, tailored to the specific needs of each client. Here’s what we’ve learned from our specialization:

Specialization: FastTracking Growth

Right off the bat, the most striking fact that an expertise allows you to grow faster. I’ve never met anyone who knew everything about everything. It’s far from realistic and you’ll burn yourself out very quickly. By concentrating on MusicTech, we’ve been able to create value, grow quickly, and stay relevant in our field. Not that it doesn’t require loads of work, but it becomes more logical and rewarding as you get the feeling of actually making headways. The more you focus on a specific area, the more knowledge you gain, which in turn accelerates your growth and impact.

Indeed as you immerse yourself in your chosen field, you evolve alongside it. You stay updated on the latest news, developments, and emerging players, making you one key element of the field once you act with that acquired background. Specialization keeps you on track, enabling you to gather specific, in-depth knowledge to share to clients, partners and more broadly, the ecosystem. It’s, at least in my opinion, a way keep you as committed as you were when you started.

Knowing a field so well, you actively contribute to the field’s growth. You then develop critical thinking, form your own opinions, and share your insights. All this makes your relevant for you prospects and partners! You take part in the development itself, as your expertise becomes a valuable asset.

Building an Ecosystem Around Your Specialization

So what comes next? Becoming an actual part of the field’s development of course! This mainly involves getting in discussion with the rest of the ecosystem. Connecting with the right people becomes the key to exist within an ecosystem and build a network. Just think about it this way: you’re speaking the same language, sharing ideas and most importantly, you understand the challenges.

By developing this dialog, you can discuss your work with other professionals, companies, and communities. This is exactly what could make the difference, especially when someone needs support in your specialized area. For example, Resonance sure is working on Communications, Marketing, PR and business advice, but we are present enough to be also recognized as a MusicTech company as well.

This all comes down to building a network and bringing everyone together. This is why our work with the collective Music Tech France is so precious to us. Learn more about our collaboration here. Creating a network is easier said than done, let’s go further into it…

Connecting with the MusicTech Community

Starting off as a freelancer, I attended every MusicTech conference I could, just to listen in, meet the new comers and find out where I could fit in the chain. From the large gathering hundreds of people to the small meetups on rainy Tuesday evenings with 20 people in the room, I was there. Talking to the rest of the ecosystem is at the center of all specialization strategies. Whether it be at a conference or over coffee, every meeting counts.

In the end, you can’t innovate without understanding the field you’re innovating in. In the very same way, you can’t specialize, especially in innovation, without being in close contact with the industry you’re targeting. MusicTech doesn’t exist without the music industry, which includes the artists, the public, and various stakeholders.

Finally, it’s important to remember that specializing in a field you’re passionate about is no accident. It’s a lot of work, dedication and should be seen as is. Out with the “lucky to work in your passion!” Specialization means embodying your work and often linking it to your personal interests. So, embrace the challenge, and don’t forget to enjoy it!

I am very proud of Resonance’s work in growing, specializing and developing an expertise every day of every week since 2 years now. We are always eager to take on new projects and work with the innovators in music, or bring innovation with music. Let’s talk about what we could build together now.

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